Massachusetts Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Estrogen is a hormone found in both women and men, although women produce it at much higher levels. Estrogen plays an integral role in regulating your reproductive system and promotes skin regeneration, which helps you heal from injuries and protects your bones. However, women’s estrogen levels decrease as they age. Women should ask a doctor about how estrogen replacement therapy in Massachusetts can alleviate their symptoms.

Signs of Low Estrogen

Women nearing menopause, as well as girls who have not yet reached puberty, are especially likely to have low estrogen levels. Common symptoms of low estrogen include:

  • Mood swings
  • Irregular periods
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Breast tenderness
  • Painful intercourse
  • Hot flashes
  • Depression
  • Fatigue

Estrogen works with Vitamin D, calcium, and other minerals to fortify bones. Therefore, someone with low estrogen might experience frequent bone fractures due to decreased density.

Causes of Low Estrogen

Anything that impacts the ovaries will ultimately affect the production of estrogen. Young women could have low estrogen levels due to:

  • Under-functioning pituitary glands
  • Eating disorders
  • Excessive exercise
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Premature ovarian failure

When women over the age of 40 have low estrogen levels, this could be an indicator that menopause is approaching. This transitional period is known as perimenopause, during which the ovaries will still produce estrogen until the woman reaches menopause.

Before recommending estrogen replacement therapy to a Massachusetts patient, a knowledgeable physician will evaluate their symptoms, make any necessary diagnoses, discuss their family health history, and perform a physical. Blood tests will likely be required to measure their hormone levels. In specific cases, Dr. Edward Jacobson may also order a brain scan or DNA test to look for anomalies that could be affecting a patient’s endocrine system.

The Estrogen Replacement Therapy Process

Bioidentical hormones mimic those naturally produced by the body. Estrogen replacement therapy comes in many forms in Massachusetts, such as gel, injectable, patch, pill, and implanted pellet.

Bioidentical estrogen is not currently FDA-approved, which means it is available without a prescription and not subject to the same regulations as prescribed medications. Unlike traditional estrogen medications, the bioidentical version features plant-based ingredients which the body recognizes as naturally produced. A doctor can discuss the various estrogen therapy options available to Massachusetts patients to help determine which one would help them the most.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

While many women respond well to estrogen replacement therapy, there are potential risks and side effects. Estrogen could increase a patient’s risk of forming blood clots and developing breast cancer. Massachusetts patients should speak with Dr. Jacobson about their family and personal health histories and any potential susceptibility to breast cancer.

Women who are pregnant should not undergo estrogen replacement therapy, as the pregnancy could terminate prematurely or result in congenital disabilities. Additionally, women who take estrogen could develop denser breast tissue, which could make reading mammograms to detect cancer more difficult.

Call to Learn More About Massachusetts Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Speak with a physician to learn more about estrogen replacement therapy in Massachusetts and if it is the right solution for your healthcare needs. Call our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jacobson.